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Religion 101: "Religion Made Simple" Mba Mbulu, Instructor
Class # 5: Christianity, African Christianity and European Christianity [Audio Version]
Read the following information. To the best of your ability, relate it to your understanding of what is discussed.
Question: What Is Christianity?
When people speak of Christianity nowadays, they are actually talking about European Christianity. As far as they are concerned, no other form of Christianity ever existed. The fact of the matter is quite different. African Christianity is the grand daddy of christain religions; European Christianity is only a baby in comparison. Much that is called European Christianity is actually African Christianity warped by European insecurities and prerogatives.
Question: What is African Christianity?
African Christianity is an organized religion that has been practiced by Black People for at least 8000 years. The mythology of African Christianity revolves around the story of a virgin who immaculately conceives and bears a son who is hailed as the lord of lords. Her son travels near and far spreading the word of the gospel, only to be assassinated. His body is cut into 13 parts and spread over a vast area of land. Nonetheless, his mother recovers all of the parts. This make it possible for him to be resurrected. After resurrection, he rises to sit next to his father in heaven.
The essential message of African Christianity is goodwill toward humanity, peace on earth and, as signified by the resurrection of Osiris, the promise of an eternal life after death for those who are good.
Question: What is European Christianity?
European Christianity is an organized religion that has been practiced by white people since the time of Jesus Christ (less than 2000 years). The mythology of European Christianity revolves around the story of a virgin who immaculately conceives and bears a son who is hailed as the lord of lords. Her son travels to and fro spreading the word of the gospel. He recruits 12 apostles (12+1 =13) to help him spread the word, but is crucified by hostile forces. His mother goes in search of his body, and he is resurrected and rises to sit next to his father in heaven.
The essential message of European Christianity is goodwill toward humanity, peace on earth and, as signified by the resurrection of Jesus, the promise of an eternal life after death for those who believe.