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Religion 101: "Religion Made Simple" Mba Mbulu, Instructor
Class # 6: Creation [Audio Version]
Read the Section 1, Section 2 and Section 3 below. Think about what you read and think about the following questions.
(1) People have generally accepted the claim that Eve, a woman, was made from one of Adam's ribs. Would you believe it if someone claimed that Adam was made from one of Eve's ribs?
(2) Don't Eves and Adams make more sense than Eve and Adam?
Question: Did God make Adam in his own image and Eve from one of Adam's ribs?
Nothing that exists could have created anything that predated it. In other words, if X is 100 years old and Y is 150 years old, it is impossible for X to have created Y. That explains why it is impossible for a child to give birth to its parents. Put in religious terms, since God did not exist when Adam and Eve first appeared on Earth, it is impossible for God to have made Adam and Eve.
The Bible is filled with fantastic stories. The story of Adam, Eve and the Garden of Eden falls into that category. It is a scientific fact that a section or organ from one person's body can be used to replace a similar section or organ in another person's body, but the story of Eve's manufacture is based purely on the conviction that those who have "faith" will believe anything. Only something as fantastic as the mythology of religious would profess to make a woman from the rib of a human of an entirely different sex. What was it about Adam's rib that could produce Eve's breasts, hormonal mixture or womb? Of course, "believers" would say God took care of all that?
What is it about a religion that is only comfortable if woman is viewed as an attachment to man? If man can exist independently of woman, woman can exist independently of man to the same degree. Any religion that believes in the equality of the sexes would recognize that.
Question: Did God create the world?
If X is younger than Y, then X could not have created Y. When the world was created, God did not exist. Only after certain human beings discovered the depth of their fear and vulnerability did they begin to feel a need for "god". Having felt that need strongly enough, certain humans created "god" and convinced other humans to believe in "god." The "god" humans created could not have created the earth because the creation of "god" by human beings took place long after the earth had been alive and kicking.
No one knows how many original persons there were. The thought that there was only one original person is not consistent with the laws of creation. Equivalent conditions will produce equivalent results, and the conditions that led to the development of humans in one spot on the African continent probably produced humans in other areas of the continent (nearby) that experienced the same conditions. There could have been 12 original persons (which is what the bible might suggest), or 1200, or more. However many there were, of necessity they moved about, encountered each other, interacted and reproduced.