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Religion 101: "Religion Made Simple" Mba Mbulu, Instructor
Class # 10: God [Audio Version]
Read the following information. To the best of your ability, relate what you read to what you know about religion. Also, consider the following question(s).
(1) If humans were not hypocrites, would "god" exist?
(2) Does your impression of "god" change as your fortunes change?
(3) If human beings diligently and sincerely observed the golden rule, would "god" be necessary?
(4) Is "god" one of your crutches?
Question: What is God?
God is the greater power that religion led people to fear and "believe" in. If everything always went well in people's lives, questions surrounding "god" would be solely within the domain of the great thinkers of all time. That is true because the overwhelming mass of humanity rarely thinks beyond the here and now. Only the most inquisitive individuals would, in the midst of bliss and happiness, wonder if there were a force beyond the control of humankind that was responsible for humanity's well being.
We might as well be honest--- when times are good, you relate to god differently than you do when times are bad (all individuals do). When times are good, your belief in god and attachment to god's principles are less intense than when times are bad. When times are good, you pray with less conviction than when times are bad. And, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" takes on one meaning when you are in need and another meaning when someone else is in need. Your urge will be to deny it, but once you develop the ability to be honest with yourself, you'll admit that it's true.
Those who can deal with the truth realize that, for the most part, god is a crutch leaned on by undeserving human beings. Some undeserving human beings lean on that crutch to justify their power, riches and relative well being, while other undeserving human beings lean on that crutch to rationalize their ineptitude and shortcomings. I would not be cruel if I said god's existence is proof of the hypocrisy of human beings. Individuals, for the overwhelming part, fear god not because of the concern they have for humankind, but because of the concern they have for their own personal selves.
If there were a God, and if God were responsible for the creation of the world and all things in it, and if God were concerned about harmony, peace and goodwill, God would not have been stupid enough to add human beings to the mix. The presence of humans, then, is proof of God's non-existence, and humans deferring to god is proof of humankind's irresponsibleness.
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