Course Outline

Copyright 1999, 2016, 2020 ASET, M. Mbulu All rights to everything on this web site are reserved.

Title of Course: International Law 101 Mba Mbulu, Instructor

The purpose of this course is to make Black People aware of many of the resolutions agreed to by the United Nations and ratified by the appropriate office or body of the United States government. We need to know that the United States is not bound simply by its own legal system, but by the legal system of a higher law. By becoming familiar with the higher law, We can better substantiate Our complaints, help validate Our right to seek non-domestic solutions and be bolstered by the fact that the law is on Our side.

Take note: This course will concentrate on those sections of the law that apply to Us. The entire laws will not be covered. Textbook: All class materials are found online.

International Law 101 Classes [Essay and Audio Versions Included]

 Class # 1

 What Are United Nations Resolutions

 Class # 2

 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

  Class # 3

 Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination

  Class # 4

 The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

  Class # 5

 Economic Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

  Class # 6

 Resolution 1541

  Class # 7

 Resolution 1514: The Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples

  Class # 8

 Resolution 3103: Legal Status of Combatants Struggling Against Alien Domination and Racist Regimes
  Class # 9  Declaration On the Rights Of Indigenous Peoples
  Class # 10  
