Black Psychology 101: "Exploring the Anti-Black Mindset"
Mba Mbulu, Instructor
Copyright 1998, 1999, 2016, 2020 ASET, M. Mbulu All rights to everything on this web site are reserved.

Class 10

Read the information that follows. In order to benefit the most from this course, you must constantly keep the following points in mind and refer to them frequently: (1) 50 years after the writing of Black Skin, White Masks, Black People in the United States still perceive of their potential and capabilities within an unnaturally or abnormally limited context. (2) The psychological molding of Black People predisposes the best educated among Us to be anti-Black: anti-Black nationalism, anti-Black centric, anti-Black whatever. (3) In addition to being victims of racism, Black People in the United States demonstrate all of the qualities of a people who have been victimized by colonialism.

Lesson 10 will concentrate on excerpts from Chapter 8 of Black Skin, White Masks. Think about the following issues as you study and learn.
(1) Some Blacks have a "thing" about moving to the suburbs. Could that indicate that they think white people are superior to Black People?
(2) Is it more important to listen to what people say or watch what they do? How does that relate to the psychological state of Black individuals?
(3) Do you think some Black individuals are intent on becoming dark-skinned white people?
(4) What is disalienation and how is it relevant to Black People?


Lesson 10: By Way of Conclusion [Audio Version]

p. 228 Long ago the Black man admitted the unarguable superiority of the white man, and all his efforts are aimed at achieving a white existence
Those Black individuals who are most convinced that whites are superior to Blacks will argue most fervently that that is not the case. Why? For several reasons. One is because they do not want everybody else to know that they devalue themselves, despise themselves and love white people. Another is because they prefer to take what they see as the easy way out; they think they stand a better chance of realizing their personal and selfish aims by playing the game according to white people's rules. Additionally, they do not want to consciously admit to themselves that they are chumps. Thus, they argue that whites are not superior, but what they do, what activities they get involved in and how they actually carry out those activities tell the true story. Throughout their entire lives, the the essential affairs in their day to day activities revolve around toeing the white line and adhering to white power dictates. Such Blacks have been taken outside of themselves, away from Blackness--- and into the white mythology. For them, the objectives, the only worthwhile objectives, are white; white manners, white communities, white friends, white mates, white co-workers---a white existence.
p. 224 Without even knowing it, they (Negroes) share my views
Fifty years ago, at the time of the writing of Black Skin White Masks, few Blacks knew that they had taken on the white mythology and been invaded by the negative white rhetoric about Black People. Fifty years later the situation has worsened! Many of today's Blacks consciously believe in the white rhetoric, but fail to say so publicly. However, if you hear what they say in private conversations, the real story emerges. Too many Black individuals are intent on becoming dark-skinned white people. They're walking on shakey socio-economic ground, and they know it. What they don't seem to realize is that they're walking on shakey psychological ground as well.


By Way of Conclusion: The Solution
p. 86 It is not possible for me to be objective

A Black individual in the United States who is firmly in control of his/her faculties would not attempt to be objective about white-Black relations. Under these conditions, it is normal to be subjective; to see the Xs, Ys and Zs from a specific perspective rather than a general one. When you hear a Black person talking about helping the world when s/he is not in a position to help Black People, you know that person is missing a critical ingredient. A normal Black individuals would see that being Black-centric is the key to Black People helping Black People and all other people.
p. 226 Disalienation will come into being through their (men) refusal to accept the present as definitive
For the purpose of this lesson, disalienation is the process of getting back to where you belong. It is the process of getting back into Blackness. However, that will be difficult to do unless individuals refuse to accept the white mythology and the white lies about Black People. The white mythology and the lies is what Fanon is referring to when he says "the present", so people must not accept "the present" as definitive. Instead, We must deal with the power and beauty of Black, and make that the "new present" and the future. Unbalanced Blacks will find it difficult to want a "new present" or future. Normal Blacks are ready and willing to bring it about.
