Instructor: Mba Mbulu Black Nationalism 201

Copyright 1996,1998, 1999, 2020 ASET, M. Mbulu All rights to everything on this web site are reserved.

Prerequisite Course: Failure to take Black Nationalism 101 will hinder your understanding of the issues dealt with in Black Nationalism 201. If you have not taken Black Nationalism 101, please do so. If you have taken Black Nationalism 101, please review it.

Class #7 [AudioVersion]

Read the information that follows. Be able to expound on the following issues.

(1) Why do you think Black People are so attached to America's "goodies"?

(2) Which do you think is truer: Black People can't do without America's goodies or Black People don't want to do without America's goodies?

(3) Why do you think there is so much emphasis on keeping young people out of the political equation?

(4) Are young people better equipped to carry out a Black nationalist struggle than older people?

(5) In whose hands lie the future of Black People?


Black People made it in this country for years and years without having decent jobs and adequate amounts of money, and We can continue to do that. If We followed that course, We would achieve Our Black nationalist objectives more quickly. But, We will not let go of the meaningless but expensive images and trinkets that white America has planted in Our minds and emotions. That keeps Us playing the roles white America wants Us to play, and that is not to Our advantage.

White power's goodies are like dope; they give Us a sinister and harmful high and make Us feel like We can't live without them when, in fact, the best thing We can do for Ourselves is withdraw from them and acquire the ability to determine Our destiny and get on with Our lives. We can do without the goodies quite easily. The problem is that some of Us don't want to do without those goodies. Leave those type individuals alone!

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Young people are just as critical to the success of Black nationalism as adults because they will have to take the mantle and extend it into their future. Even though We can not dictate how a young person will act once s/he becomes an adult, it is Our adult responsibility to expose them to Black nationalism while they are under Our care. That way, when they become adults and make important decisions, they will know about Black nationalism, feel comfortable with it and not view it as a strange or unnatural part of the political equation.

As for robbing them of their childhood, that is a ridiculous point. Raising people to be serious and capable of contributing to something positive is the best gift adults can pass on to their children. Additionally, it is misguided to place more value on a 12 or 13 year childhood than on a 70 to 75 year life.

Most of the greatest military leaders made their mark while they were young. We must not forget that by the time Piankhi was 21, he had conquered the world. Hannibal was already feared while he was in his 20s. Napoleon Bonaparte had made a reputation for himself while still in his 20s. In all regards except experience and wisdom, young people should be equal to or superior to older people. Young people have more energy, need less rest, are more passionate, have better reaction times, better eyesight, greater physical capabilities, are less prone to settle for less than they feel they are due, etc. In short, young people are better equipped to carry out a serious struggle. To overemphasize their "childhood" is folly.

Please review this lesson at your convenience and at your own pace. Afterwards, you can proceed to the next lesson.

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