Instructor: Mba Mbulu Black Nationalism 201

Copyright 1996,1998, 1999, 2020 ASET, M. Mbulu All rights to everything on this web site are reserved.

Prerequisite Course: Failure to take Black Nationalism 101 will hinder your understanding of the issues dealt with in Black Nationalism 201. If you have not taken Black Nationalism 101, please do so. If you have taken Black Nationalism 101, please review it.

Class #3 [AudioVersion]

Read the information that follows on Names, Towns and Recruits. Think about each carefully, and review what you have read from time to time.


In 1968, Brothers and Sisters who are just as analytical and intelligent as We are today, and just as committed to Black nationalism, met in Detroit and considered many of the questions We might soon be considering again. I don't see what will be gained if We undo what they did when it comes to what We should call Ourselves. We should show Our appreciation and respect and let the nation exist that they planted and nourished so diligently. We should continue to call Our nation the Republic of New Afrika, and refer to Ourselves as New Afrikans. After we have made substantial gains, We can revisit that issue if We feel the need to do so. But to occupy valuable energy and precious time discussing issues such as that when other issues are much more deserving of Our attention would set an ominous precedent. It could be an early indication that We have a tendency to put the cart before the horse, both thought-wise and practice-wise. We certainly do not want to develop that tendency.

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There are hundreds, probably thousands, of Black community organizations in North America that espouse a Black nationalist ideology and objective. The name of any particular organization is decided on by the founders and/or members of that particular organization, as it should be. However, at this stage of Our Black nationalist development, community organizations do not serve a viable purpose. What the Black nation, Our Republic of New Afrika, needs are towns, cities, counties and states. Therefore, each community organization should re-classify itself and start referring to itself as a town (no name change would be required), and each member of an organization should view him/her self as a citizen of that small town. There are psychological and political benefits to such an approach that can not be ignored.

Psychologically, Black individuals will begin to feel and experience the Black nation personally. At the town level, We can begin to enact the reality of Black nationalism and self-government. Of course, the laws each town enacts would be restricted to that particular town until the towns form into cities and the cities into the Black nation. But the experience would give Us a feel for what is to come and help prepare Us to make the transition to independent self-government more smoothly.

Politically, this approach will help Us keep the focus on Our overall objective, the Black nationalist objective. It keeps that objective in front of Us, and enables Us to visualize small towns that grow and unite with other towns to form cities and counties, which in turn grow and unite to form Our nation. Each town is important, but the laws of the towns will never expand beyond that town's citizenship if its citizens view the town as an end in and of itself. Each town is only a step toward the real objective. We have to keep the real objective in front of Us, and acting out the town, city, county, nation progression helps Us keep that objective in focus.

As citizens of small Black towns spread out across what is presently known as the United States and Canada, We will have rights, duties and obligations. Again, much of that has been dealt with by previous Black nationalists and many of their conclusions and resolutions will be made available in time. For now, We need to deal with some of the manners of conduct and activities each and every Black citizen can take on that will enhance his/her personal understanding of Our nation and expedite the growth of Our nation.

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We have to build up the citizenship of Our towns, but We should not put pressure on individuals to join Our ranks. In short, it would not be wise to try to convince someone that he or she should become an active citizen of your town or Our nation. We have to educate Our people consistently, persistently; and make sure they are exposed to the ideas they need to be exposed to each and every time we get the opportunity to do so, but we should not try to convince anyone of anything. At this point, We need active citizens working together because they have decided it is the correct thing to do. These type citizens will carry their own weight, carry the weight of the newly developing Black nation and persevere, three qualities that are critical, critical, critical.

Remember: If you have to draft or convince someone today, you will probably have to carry him/her tomorrow. At this time, We cannot afford to carry any dead weight. Doing that would cut into Our productivity, wear Us out prematurely and make Us more vulnerable to internal discord and outsider attacks. Therefore, We must educate, educate, educate, but let each person decide when he or she will become active citizens. That way, each citizen will be an asset to his/her town and the nation.

Please review this lesson at your convenience and at your own pace. Afterwards, you can proceed to the next lesson.

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