Instructor: Mba Mbulu Course Outline

Copyright 1999, 2020 ASET, M. Mbulu All rights to everything on this web site are reserved.

Title of Course: Black Government 101 Class # 5 [Audio Version]

(Please Note: The latest amendments to the Code of Umoja appear in RED type.)

Below are Article 4 (cont) of the Code of Umoja and some Explanatory Notes. These are included to let you know how seriously Black People have been thinking and acting along Black nationalist lines. Pay close attention to them, and make notes if you think certain changes would improve the document.


Section 9: Regional Councils

A. Regional councils shall be established in the following areas of America: (1) Eastern region (2) Western region (3) Mid-Western region (4) Southern region. [NOTE: The original document details each section. The descriptions aren't essential and have been omitted.]

B. The power is reserved to the Peoples' Center Council to establish new regions or alter boundaries of existing regions.

C. Each regional council shall be composed of the following: (1) the president (2) the vice-president of the region (3) Each National Minister residing in that region (4) Any other national officer residing in the region (5) Each elected Peoples' Center Council representative from the electoral districts in that region (6) Any other regional officer the Regional Council shall determine to be necessary.

D. The voting membership of each Regional Council shall be the Vice-President of the region, the President, and any other person elected as a representative to the Peoples' Center Council from the electoral districts in the region, and any other officer elected by the Regional Council.

E. Operation of the Regional Council

The Regional Council shall elect its presiding officer, who shall be a chairperson and such vice-chairpersons, and other officers it should deem necessary. The Regional Council shall establish its rules of procedure.

F. The required quorum of the Regional Council shall be one-third of its voting membership.


Section 10: Sessions and Legislative Power of the Regional Councils

A. The first sessions of the Regional Councils after ratification of this Code of Umoja shall be prior to January 1976, and shall be at a time and place designated by the Peoples' Center Council.

B. Subsequent sessions of the regional Councils shall occur at least twice a year and shall occur at a date and place to be fixed by the Regional Councils in advance.

C. Legislation of the Regional Councils shall be binding as law upon the officers and residents of the respective regions.

D. No legislations passed by the Regional Councils shall be inconsistent with the Code of Umoja or the decisions of the Peoples' Center Council.

Section 11: Metropolitan Councils

The representatives of the Peoples' Center Council from Districts in a Metropolitan Region shall constitute a Metropolitan Council, and other citizens of the Metropolitan Region may be non-voting members of the Metropolitan Council.

Section 12: Peoples' District Councils

A. The citizens of every electoral district shall constitute a Peoples' District Council. Each Peoples' District Council shall consist of (1) The elected Peoples' Center Council representative from that district, who shall chair (2) The chairman of each local council in the district (3) Any other officer the people of that district shall elect.

B. The duties of the chairperson of each Peoples' District Council shall be as follows: To participate in the deliberations and decisions of the Peoples' Center Council, the Regional Councils, and the National Officers of the Republic of New Afrika; to make recommendations the the President and other offices of the government; and to motivate all citizens to pay taxes and otherwise participate in the revolution and the processes of government.

Section 13: People's Local Councils

One or more Peoples' Local Councils may be established by New Afrikans within any electoral district as provided by the Peoples' District Council.


Explanatory Notes

This section, started in Lesson #4, is further evidence of the high level of political thought and activity that Black People have been engaging themselves in. This is typical of all groups of people who are politically mature and responsible.

The people who recognize the value of self-government and do what is necessary to carry out that function are not exceptional. Quite to the contrary, the exceptional ones are those who leave their government and their quality of life decisions in the hands of someone else.

Please review the articles and sections above. It would be to your advantage to be familiar with them. Notice that there are voting and non-voting members, and that the extensive work of establishing districts has been recognized and worked on.
