University: The First Free University on the Internet!
Black Nationalism
is the only real solution for Black People in the US of A.
Original paperback copies of books written by Mba Mbulu were recently found and are being all but given away. Click here for details.
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1998-2023 ASET, M Mbulu All rights reserved.
Black, New Afrikan and Proud Campaign
Mba Mbulu Youtube channel. Check it out and spread the word.
Mba Mbulu radio broadcasts are available. Click here for details.
Whispers, occasional comments by Mba Mbulu Click Here
To visit the official web site of the Republic of New Afrika Click Here
Every Black person who lives in the United States of America is a New Afrikan. Stop the confusion; and stop hyphenating your citizenship status. We are all New Afrikans, and the country We are citizens of is the Republic of New Afrika.
A Word Or 2
RIP Micah Xavier Johnson ... Rest in Peace young brother, alongside Nat Turner, Denmark Veazey, Gabriel Prosserl and others from the past and future.
A white mob attacked Black People in Tulsa Oklahoma close to 100 years ago, murdering hundreds in an attempt to wipe the community oft the face of the earth. That Black area, known as Greenwood ("Little Africa"), was very prosperous and generated a lot of jealousy among racist white Oklahomans. If you do not already know about this, then you need to learn more about your history. Click Here

If you are interested in buying a Black Power / Black Nationalist flag, Click Here or on the flag. This flag helps express your pride in yourself and the history of Black People.