Black History 101 Textbook: Ten Lessons: An Introduction to Black History.

Instructor: Mba Mbulu

Class #3

Read Lesson #3 in the textbook. The Outline to Lesson #3 appears below. Be able to expound on the following issues:

(1) Is there historical proof that Black People can function independently of white people?

(2) Is the suffering in Africa today directly related to the forced transfer of Black People to the United States of America?

(3) What does the date 11542 BCE refer to?

(4) What role did Arab whites and Islam play on the African continent prior to the arrival of European whites?

(5) Name some of the governmental and political accomplishments of Black People prior to the arrival of white poeple.

(6) We are well aware of many of the effects of slavery on Black People in the Americas. What are some of the effects of enslavement on Black People who remained on the African continent?

(7) The following paragraphs are found on page 56 of Ten Lessons. What is their relevance to Black People in the United States today?

"During periods of Black unity and capable leadership, Black People made advances that demonstrate beyond a doubt that We are capable of accomplishing anything We set Our minds and energies to. After Menes established the city of Memphis and started what many historians call the 1st Dynasty (which is probably not accurate. The 1st dynasty probably occurred long before the time of Menes.), Black People enjoyed a reign of prosperity and social and cultural achievement that continued almost uninterrupted for nearly 800 years. During this 800 year period, six different dynasties ruled Egypt ( a dynasty is made up of a series of rulers from a common line of descent). The fact that their system of rule was beneficial to the Black masses is evidenced by the fact that, during this entire period, there was never a rebellion of the type that is common among white people. The Black masses were unsatisfied at times and rebelled accordingly, but not because the system was unjust. When they did rebel it was because the individual leader was unjustly applying the laws of the land or failing to respond adequately to the dictates of the people.

"After this nearly 800 years period, disunity and weak Black leaders began to be the dominant factors in Black political life. For nearly four dynasties, covering a period of nearly 150 years, Black "leaders" bickered with one another and fought each other over who would control the empire. Neither of these leaders or groups they represented was strong enough to overcome the opposition and guide Black People in a single direction, and they were not intelligent enough to downplay their differences and rule jointly, so the Empire that had been united and moving in a single direction (one that was beneficial to Black People) began to split into factions that practically went to war with one another. Because of such rivalries and the disharmony that came with them, Black People were not able to carry out the affairs of the government efficiently enough to accomplish national goals nor effectively carry out or follow through on accepted national policies. One unfortunate outcome of this is that the whites who had been restricted to the seacoasts were not watched closely during this period. Thus, they were able to enhance their position both politically and economically."

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LESSON 3 OUTLINE (From Ten Lessons: An Introduction to Black History)

Copyright 1980, 1996,1998, 1999, 2020 ASET, M. Mbulu All rights to everything on this web site are reserved.

I. Black History Summary

A. Fourth Glacial Epoch

B. Zaara (the Sahara) 20,000 B.C.E. - 10,000 B.C.E.

C. 11,542 B.C.E.

D. Itiopi

E. Egypt

F. Comparative Development of Known Cities in Black and White Worlds

1. Nowe Prehistory 2. Memphis 3100 B.C.E. 3. Rome (town) 250 B.C.E. 4. Athens (city) 360 B.C.E.

5. Antioch 400 B.C.E. 6. Jerusalem 1400 B.C.E. 7. Babylon 2100 B.C.E.

G. The "Two Lands"

H. Political Unification (King Menes)

I. First Dynastic Cycle (1st - 6th Dynasties)

J. Second Dynastic cycle (6th - 20th Dynasties)

K. Third Dynastic Cycle (20th -)

L. Foreign Domination, 660 B.C.E. - Present

1. Assyrians 2. Persians 3. Greeks 4. Romans 5. Arabs

M. Khart-Haddas (Carthage) 1000 B.C.E.

1. 262 B.C.E. 1st "Punic" War 2. 220 - 217 B.C.E. 2nd "Punic" War

3. 217 B.C.E. Hannibal Barca 4. 207 B.C.E. Black Control Broken

5. 146 B.C.E. Last "Punic" War

a. symbolized end of Black domination of North Africa and parts of Europe.


N. Development of Later Black Empires

1. Examples

-Nobadae, Makuria, Alwa, Funj, Ghana, Mali, Songhay, Mossi, Kanem-Bornu, Kuba, Kongo-Angola, Monomotapa, Zimbabwe, Zulu, etc.

O. Further Arab Penetration (see "L" above)

1. Withdrawal of Rome

2. Islam

a. slavery-slavetrading

b. destruction of empires / manipulation and murder of rulers

c. killing of Black People and Blackness

d. the migrations speed up

e. Africa unable to defend Herself

P. The European Incursion

Q. Enslavement by Europeans and Resistance

1. Queen Nzingha

2. Rebellion/Subversion During Middle Passage

3. Rebellion/Subversion After Arrival in the "New World"

II. Some Black Accomplishments (Prior to contact with and domination by non-Black peoples).

A. Examples

1. Governmental and Political Organization 2. Political Concentration 3. Expanded International Travels and Contacts 4. Internal Stability 5. Rise and Expansion of Crafts 6. Stone Buildings 7. Public Baths 8. Writing 9. Medical Discoveries and Excellence 10. Architectural Discoveries, Originality and Excellence 11. Mathematical Frontrunners (for example, Black People determined the exact value of "pi" and made extensive use of the "Pythagorean theory" thousands of years before Pythagoras was even born) 12. Organized Religion and Priesthood 13. Scientists and Scholars 15. Public Schools 16. Engineers 17. Scribes/Professional Writers 18. Carpenters 19. Artists and Sculptors 20. Astronomers 21. the 1st Calendar 22. Agriculture and Irrigation Systems 23. Clothmakers 24. Silversmiths, Goldsmiths, Blacksmiths, etc. 25. Urban Planners 26. etc., etc., etc.

III. Effects of Enslavement on Africa

A. Population Decimated (Greatly Reduced)

1. Leaders and Potential Leaders Were Eliminated/Not Born

a. the best were captured and brought to the "New World"

B. Cultural Disruption

1. Institutions Shattered

(a.) educational (b.) administrative/organizational (c.) social (d.) religious

2. Black People Retrogress (Go Backward)

C. Instability and Suspicions Become Dominant

1. Disunity Increases

2. Mutual Distrust of Blacks for Blacks Dominates the Interrelations of Black Groups/Tribes/Empires

D. Africa Almost Completely Dominated by non-Africans
